Kaiku23 ago4 Min. de lecturaB1Duolingo Develado: Consejos, Trucos y Historias de ÉxitoDiscover what makes Duolingo so attractive for language learners worldwide and get some Duolingo tips.
Canela19 ago3 Min. de lecturaB1Idioma del Mes: Punjabi o PanjabiOne language with two different forms of writing? That’s only one of the many unique characteristics of Panjabi!
Kaiku13 ago3 Min. de lecturaB1Idioma del Mes: FinésDiscover the history of the Finnish language, along with some fun facts and basic phrases in this month's language feature.
Almond3 ago3 Min. de lecturaB1Idioma del Mes: Yidis - יידישWelcome to our second language of the month: Yiddish! Get an introduction to what is Yiddish, its history, trivia and basic phrases.
Nari3 ago2 Min. de lecturaB1Cómo Soltarse al Aprender IdiomasHave you ever felt like you learned enough, only to forget everything when actually speaking? Read the article for some tips!
Midnight15 jun3 Min. de lecturaB1Idioma del Mes: Malayo - Bahasa MelayuLearn more about Malay - Bahasa Melayu in September's Language of the Month.
Jam Ham11 jun2 Min. de lecturaB1Idioma del Mes: HúngaroGet an introduction to Hungarian in this month's language feature!
Nari11 jun4 Min. de lecturaB1Formación de Hábitos de Estudio y Herramientas para Construir un HábitoFind out how to build a habit and track accountability either manually or using an app.