Find Practice Partners
Find partners for language learning and studying to stay motivated.
Whether you're learning a language and looking for a practice partner, studying and wishing to do body doubling sessions, or taking an important language or school related exam, you can be sure to find something for you in our Discord server.
Language Learning
Find Exchange Partner
A channel dedicated to finding someone to practice languages with. This is all about an exchange - you'll help the other person and they'll help you back.

#LanguageLearning #Tandem
Language Learning
Accountability Buddies
Join our regular event and meet a squad of people to have study sessions with!
Update each other with your progress, have regular meet-ups in the Study VCs, and be accountable together.
This event is help in the #study-table

#Accountabilty #Buddies
Find Study Buddy
Match with someone who has the same level in a target language as you and talk about studying together.

The Exams Forum
A forum for nationwide exams and language exams. Chat with others, find study buddies, ask for advice, and more.

#Exams #LanguageExams #NationwideExams