Faroese is spoken by approximately 70,000 people, mainly in the Faroe Islands. A North Germanic language closely related to Icelandic, Faroese uses the Latin alphabet and fusional grammar. It has rich oral traditions and serves as an important aspect of Faroese identity, contributing to literature and music.
Language Family: Indo-European
Writing System: Latin
Writing System Type: Alphabet
Writing Direction: L to R
Tones / Pitch Accent: None
Morphology: Fusional
Cases: 4
Grammatical Gender / Noun Class: 3
Number of Verb Tenses: 2
Word Order: SVO
Number of Vowels (Monophthongs): 12
Number of Consonants: 22
Areas Where Spoken
Faroe Islands (Denmark) (official) (70 k)
"Faroese – A Language Course for Beginners", with audio files on the publishers website: https://www.stidin.fo/FaroeseCourse.htm
Faroese online dictionary: https://sprotin.fo/?_l=en](https://sprotin.fo/dictionaries?_SearchFor=&_SearchInflections=0&_SearchDescriptions=0&_Group=&_DictionaryId=1&_DictionaryPage=1)
Faroese news/radio/tv: https://kvf.fo/
Textbook & Workbook: "Ferð á føroyskt"
Quite old textbook: "An Introduction to Modern Faroese" by W. B. Lockwood
Grammar book: "Faroese. An Overview and Reference Grammar" by Höskuldur Thráinsson, Hjalmar P. Petersen, Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen and Zakaris Svabo Hansen
https://faroeseonline.com/: Vocab and phrases
https://giellatekno.uit.no/cgi/index.fao.eng.html: Language tools
https://www.ielanguages.com/faroese.html: Phrasebook
https://www.framtak.com/info/faroese.html: Vocab list
https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Faroese: Phrasebook and vocab
https://www.101languages.net/faroese/: Pronunciation, phrases and vocab
https://forvo.com/languages/fo/: Pronunciation dictionary