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Galician is natively spoken by approximately 2.4 million people, primarily in Spain's Galicia region. It is an Indo-European language that shares roots with Portuguese, reflecting the shared cultural and historical heritage of the two regions. Written in the Latin alphabet, Galician employs a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order and features a fusional morphology with no grammatical cases and two genders. The language boasts a rich tradition of poetry and folk music, deeply intertwined with Galician culture. With 7 vowel sounds and 21 consonants, Galician offers a straightforward phonetic system for learners. Its literary revival in the 19th century continues to inspire efforts to preserve and promote the language today.


  • Language Family: Indo-European

  • Writing System: Latin

  • Writing System Type: Alphabet

  • Writing Direction: Left to Right

  • Tones / Pitch Accent: None

  • Morphology: Fusional

  • Cases: 0

  • Grammatical Gender / Noun Class: 2

  • Number of Verb Tenses: 11

  • Word Order: SVO

  • Number of Vowels (Monophthongs): 7

  • Number of Consonants: 21

Areas Where Spoken

  • Spain (5.02%) (2.4 million)




CELGA (Certificado de Estudos de Lingua Galega) There are 5 levels (1 is the lowest one, 5 is the highest one). If you finish the Bachillerato in Galicia which is High School education (the last two years before University, when students are 15-16 to 17-18 years old) you would get the CELGA 4. This is the one that I have. If you want the highest one you need to do the advanced course in the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (Public Official School of languages) or have studied Philology. You could get more information about it here:





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