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Integrating Learning Your Target Language Into Your Day


By Canela

Woman Wearing a Face Mask and Using a Tablet

Learning a language is far from an easy task. It requires concentration, diligence, and most of all, time. However, not having the time to study for an hour everyday doesn’t have to stop you from actively engaging with your target language. There are many ways, for both beginners and experienced learners, to incorporate language learning in their daily routines. This article contains some ideas for ways to integrate learning into your daily routine for different levels of learners.

Cooking - Familiarize yourself with new words and foods


Next time you find your fridge looking empty, write a shopping list in your target language. Make sure to write down a translation next to unfamiliar words so you don’t forget what you’re shopping for!


Find a recipe in your target language. There are many recipes on social media with translated subtitles. This is a great way to become familiar with a new language and new dishes.

Social Media - Use hashtags, location features, news, and short posts

Beginners & Above

Social media offers a variety of personalized methods to connect with people across the world with a few clicks. Interested in basketball, drawing, embroidery, etc? So are people from other countries! Find what your hobbies’ are called in your target language.. Using social media’s search feature, type in #[your interest] to read posts tailored to your interests. Not only are you practicing your reading skills, you’re also learning common slang and patterns of speech often not found in textbooks.

You can also type in a place in the search bar. By searching a city where your target language is largely spoken, you can find posts about the place and the events held there. Furthermore, the social media app may activate an interactive map when searching for places. You can use the map to find other interesting places and posts. This is a great way to practice reading skills while discovering traditions and events in other countries. 

Stay informed by following news accounts in your target language. News stations and publishers often post short, yet informative, summaries of current news stories. 

Can’t understand posts quite yet? 

There are plenty of accounts dedicated to teaching a language. Just like other social media posts, these accounts post short 1-minute clips daily. Simply type in “Learn [language]” into the search bar and follow a few accounts.

Selective Focus Photography of Person Holding Space Gray Iphone 6

Waiting at the bus stop (or anywhere) - Review what you’ve learned

Beginner & Above

Have spare time? Keep some flashcards handy in your purse or wallet to memorize vocabulary words or grammar points. You can also make your own virtual (or pre-made) decks on sites like Anki or Quizlet. 

In the case you may not have any of these on hand, use your inner voice to practice what you’ve learned. Describe the place or an object around you. Anything from one word descriptions like color and size to sentences describing the feel of a place will help you retain what you have learned from a language.

Music & Podcasts - Find a new favorite tune


While cooking, cleaning or committing to other mundane tasks, many people listen to music or podcasts. Find music and podcasts in the same genres you love but in your target language.

Binge Night - Relax and enjoy the show!

Beginner & Above

Ready to sit with a bag of popcorn and watch something? Choose a TV show, reality TV series, game show, or movie in your target language with subtitles. Even if you can’t fully understand it, you’re subconsciously getting used to the tones and sounds of the language. 

Journaling & Planners - Maximize your habits

Beginner & Above

Formed a habit of writing in your journal everyday? Take this time to learn to write about your day and interests in your target language. 

Virtual Voice Assistants for learning a language


Do you often ask Siri or Alexa questions? Setting up these assistants in your target language is a great way to practice expressing your concerns. Since voice assistants only answer correctly if the system understands you, this will improve your pronunciation. 


About Canela

As a Zapotec Mexican-American, Canela is always on the lookout for the complexities of the unique experiences of those in cultures around the world. She is passionate about the use of language, rhetoric, and media to let people’s voices about challenges in their community be heard. As an avid student, she has no time to participate in her hobbies of design and video games.

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