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Tips For Studying When You Are Low on Energy


By Kawa

A woman sleeping with her head on a table

Sometimes you're just too tired to study, and yet you still want to maintain your study habits. Here's some ideas of activities that you can integrate into your routine and still achieve your study goals:

  • Try passive learning like listening to a podcast, watching a movie with subs in another language, or listening to music in your target language. That way, you're still doing something you enjoy while learning. 

  • Do a short 5 or 10 minute revision either with something you're struggling with, vocabulary, or grammar points you learned recently. You can do this while commuting, in the morning, or at the end of your day. 

  • Talk with someone either via text or call depending on your energy level. You can also do this throughout the day!

  • Write a journal log about your day and use words in your target language, or write it entirely in your TL. If you like speaking more, you can try recording yourself or just talking to yourself for a few minutes.

  • Read a few pages of a book in your TL or read a news article. 

While it is good to maintain a study routine, your health and wellbeing are also important. If you feel exhausted mentally or physically, it may be better to rest instead of forcing yourself to study. Sleeping early can do wonders rather than staying up.


About Kawa

A Digital Media graduate passionate about languages, games, books, and art. Kawa is a native Romanian speaker fluent in English and German and learning Korean and Hungarian. When she’s not at work doing marketing, she still does marketing for Language Cafe and other personal projects all while drinking her 3rd cup of coffee. This explains the huge stash of tea and coffee.

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