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Japanese is natively spoken by about 125 million people, primarily in Japan, where it is the national language. It is integral to Japanese cultural identity, known for its literature, traditional arts such as tea ceremony and ikebana, and pop culture exports like anime and manga. Written in a combination of kanji (Chinese characters) and two syllabaries (hiragana and katakana), Japanese grammar features a subject-object-verb (SOV) word order, extensive use of honorifics to indicate respect, and a system of particles to mark grammatical relationships.


  • Language Family: Japonic

  • Writing System: Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana

  • Writing System Type: Syllabary, Logography

  • Writing Direction: L to R

  • Tones / Pitch Accent: 2

  • Morphology: Agglutinative

  • Cases: > 7

  • Grammatical Gender / Noun Class: 0

  • Number of Verb Tenses: 2

  • Word Order: SOV

  • Number of Vowels (Monophthongs): 5

  • Number of Consonants: 17

Areas Where Spoken

  • Japan (de facto official) (99.1%) (124 mil)



  • Genki

  • Memrise

  • Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese - Another wonderful guide for learning Japanese for the English speaker - wouldn't recommend if you don't like reading though. I personally do not think it's a lot of reading, cause each lesson is direct/right-to-the-point and extra insightful on things to watch out for (I.e. un-useful Textbook vocab, terms, or explanations or topics of common beginner learning mistakes)

  • Japanese Kanji Tree Pro - used to be free but is now around $6

  • JAccent - Japanese accent dictionary

  • HiNative - Put a question out there, get it answered QUICK.

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