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11th Language Jam: Mystery of the Missing Manuscript

2025 Language Jam



The LC University's Language Tome is missing! It was last seen in the university's library from where it disappeared overnight.


  • Concepts for all characters

  • Drawings for Alvin, Tamara, and Rowena

  • Daily Activities


  • Narrative

  • Drawings for Jay and Cilian

  • Maps and Social Media Visuals


  • Proofreading & Moral Support


Day 1: Orientation

It’s your first day at LC University as an exchange student in their Transactional Linguistics program. You’re excited to explore the campus, meet new people, and especially see the university’s well-known library hosting numerous books on languages and linguistics. 

The campus is large, having buildings for every discipline, a big central cafeteria, student dorms, and sport fields. Your group is guided by Tamara, a second-year Arts and Music student who loves showing you and the other freshmen around the campus.

At the end of the tour, you’re led to your main classroom and asked to introduce yourselves.


Tell your cohort about yourself, the language(s) you study or that interest you, and anything else you’d like to share about yourself! Send it in English and in your target language for the Language Jam. If you’ve just started learning your target language, share a few words instead (adjectives to describe yourself, verbs for hobbies, or nouns for likes and interests).


First Week - The Catastrophe And The Duel

You woke up in a good mood and headed to your classroom after picking up a cup of coffee from the Language Cafe cafe. The heavy downpour from yesterday night left puddles on the ground that you expertly avoided. As you approach the building, you notice a large crowd of students blocking your way in, so you choose to stand back, careful not to spill the coffee all over your white and burgundy uniform.

Focusing on piecing together what you hear around you, you are startled when someone taps you on your shoulder.

“You’re one of the freshmen, aren’t you? I’m Alvin.” A blonde man stares at you through thick eyebrows and even thicker glass lenses. 

When you ask him about the commotion, he scrunches up his brows. “Haven’t you heard? The whole building is closed off. Allegedly, the Language Tome was stolen last night and the faculty is investigating the scene.”

“Such a shame, I was looking forward to continuing my linguistic research today.” His eyes darken and he crosses his arms when he hears about your subject of study.

“There is a smaller library with language-related volumes that you can use. However, I highly doubt that you’d manage to understand them at all.”

“Alright bet.” 



Alvin has challenged you to a linguistic duel! Wipe the floor with him and prove your newly acquired knowledge at the end of the week.


Learn more about your LC language’s alphabet and sounds.


Learn more about your LJ language’s grammatical features and share (and translate) your own dialogue with Alvin.

Linguistically Inclined

One-up Alvin and explain one interesting aspect of your LJ language’s phonology, morphology, or syntax. 


Second Week - Searching For A Muse

You were out for the whole weekend after having spent all of last week intensely studying to beat Alvin. And you did so expertly. 

On the first day of your second week, you take a walk on the campus grounds when you hear strange sounds that might be considered music in an alternate universe. Curious about the noise, you walk towards the direction it’s coming from and find Tamara facing a small pond and playing the guitar. Or at least attempting to. She looks distraught and the dark circles around her eyes remind you of yourself and your recent lack of sleep. 

“Oh hey! I remember you from orientation day. I’m really sorry about the noise, but I’ve been trying to figure out this song for months and I just can’t get it down.” She tells you about her upcoming deadline and failed attempts of getting inspired. Her latest idea was being in nature while composing, something she used to do all the time back home in Linguist's Hollow, but the only thing she gained was more self-doubt when she saw the ducks fly away once she started playing the guitar. 

An idea strikes you as all the information from the previous week floods your brain.  “I could give you some references if you’d like.”

“Please, anything is better than what I got so far. I’m really desperate.”


Tamara’s in dire need of inspiration, and luckily, you got some sources for her.


Learn about the art and/or music of any culture of your speaker’s LJ language. 


Give Tamara some suggestions in dialogue; talk about an element of your LJ language speakers’ art and music that you find fascinating (and translate it). 

Linguistically Inclined

Perhaps Tamara’s song can be supplemented with your target language’s phonology. Talk about your language’s sound system in brief detail as well as something you find unique about it.


Third Week - Fields and Sweet Treats

Your previous week was relaxed after helping Tamara. The university was still in an uproar about the missing book, and yet the student body investigating its disappearance couldn’t find any relevant clue.

“Who would think about stealing all that knowledge?” You wondered as you were walking past the lacrosse field. The university’s team had just finished practicing, taking a well-deserved break. 

Lost in your thoughts and suspicions, you become aware of a presence chasing you down a little too late. A lacrosse player reaches you and starts walking in a light jog next to you. “Hey, were you the one who got my Tammie out of her creative block?” 

“If by Tammie, you mean Tamara, then yes. Although I didn’t do too much. I enjoyed sharing all that with her.” 

“Bro you were awesome! You should’ve seen her performance, it was out of this world. I’m Jay by the way.” After you briefly introduce yourself, you both keep walking in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes. 

“Look, I know it’s not very cool of me to ask you for help, but I was wondering if you could help me out with a presentation. I have some stuff written down, but it’d help me so much if you could go over it with me since you know a lot about the culture I’m studying. Plus, it’s so boring to do this by myself. Please? I’ll treat you to bubble tea after.” 


At the mention of a sweet treat, you agree to help Jay with their presentation. Who can resist boba?


Learn something about your LJ language speakers’ culture, traditions, food, sports, and social life and share it.


Explain something about your LJ language speakers’ culture, traditions, or cuisine to Jay for his presentation (translated). Try to include at least one resource online too so Jay does not get flagged for plagiarism or fabrication!

Linguistically Inclined

Explore culturally significant words or expressions in your LJ language that have no direct translation in English. How do these words reflect unique aspects of the culture? Explain their meanings, usage, and cultural significance to Jay. As a challenge, try incorporating them into a short dialogue or explanation that Jay could use in his presentation.


Fourth Week - Unexpected Revelations

After getting treated to bubble tea by Jay, you kept going there almost daily before heading to the other library on campus. You spend long days there writing a small paper for one of your classes. On Thursday, you’re so focused on writing that you don’t notice how late it has gotten. There’s only one other student left and they happen to be sitting right next to you, occasionally sneaking glances towards your study material.

They have round glasses, curly dark hair and are dressed in elegant clothes in the university’s colours. Sneaking a peek at their materials, you notice books on philosophy, literature and classics, and a leather bound notebook with the name Cilian S. engraved on it.

“Sticking your nose in my work?” He fixes his glasses on his nose. 

“I was curious what you were studying since you’ve been sticking your nose in mine.” 

“I can’t be too careless, especially when there are thieves among us.” Now that’s interesting. Pushing more (and proving your alibi for the night the tome was stolen), you find out that Cilian is unofficially investigating the missing tome and has come up with some theories of his own.

“I doubt the tome was taken outside of the library. You probably aren’t aware of this, but books as old as that are extremely fragile and have to be kept in safe and controlled environments.” Cilian explains his leading theory.

“...and it was raining heavily that night, so it would have been risky to take it outside!” You exclaim as the pieces are starting to fit together.

“Exactly. You’re catching on quick, rookie.” That earns a mean look from you that Cilian ignores.  “But who would risk taking it away, and more pressingly, why?”

“I assume you have some inklings.” 

“That I do. And to prove or disprove them, I need to examine the “crime scene”. Thoroughly. I could use a partner, but you’ll have to prove yourself.” 


Cilian is testing your knowledge—whether you’re a casual learner or an expert, it’s time to showcase your skills and prove you’re a worthy partner in his investigation.


Old books contain words and phrases that might not be commonly used today. Look up and share at least three archaic or old-fashioned words in your LJ language. What did they originally mean? Are they still in use today, or have they changed?


Cilian believes that understanding history is the key to solving mysteries. Find and explain a historical or literary reference in your LJ language—this could be an old proverb, a famous historical text, or an important philosophical idea that still holds significance today. 

Linguistically Inclined

Languages change over time, and ancient texts often use different grammatical structures, spelling conventions, or vocabulary. Find an example of how your LJ language has evolved—whether through shifts in syntax, phonology, or meaning. Explain how understanding these changes can help decode older texts and why this knowledge might be useful in Cilian’s investigation.


Fifth Week - In The Serpent’s Lair

It was a challenge to impress Cilian, but you managed to win his trust in only a couple of hours. After that evening, you meet daily to take note of the security around the main library, possible entrances, and discuss your findings for the day.

Luckily there is a party planned for Friday, proving a great opportunity to break into the library and investigate. Around 10 pm, you meet Cilian near the building, both dressed in black and doing your best to be sneaky. Getting into the building is easier than expected, and soon you find yourselves carefully pushing the massive wooden doors to the library.

The library looks normal, as if nothing happened and it hasn’t been closed for the past four weeks. You both begin to scan every corner hoping to find a clue to the tome’s whereabouts.

“Weren’t they supposed to investigate the ‘crime scene’?” You ponder out loud.

“...this only proves that it was someone from within that took it.” Cilian replies while carefully searching between the books on a shelf. 


While searching, you find an old note tucked inside a book. It’s written in your LJ language, but the handwriting is difficult to read, and some words seem unfamiliar. 


Find a famous author, poet, or storyteller from a country where your LJ language is spoken. Write 2-3 sentences about their work and why they are significant. If possible, include a famous quote from them in your LJ language.


Choose a short passage, poem, or quote from literature in your LJ language. Translate it into your native language while preserving its meaning and tone. Then, try rewording it in a different style (e.g., more modern, poetic, or dramatic). What challenges did you face in translation?

Linguistically Inclined

Languages shape literature, and vice versa. Research a literary movement or genre that influenced writing in your LJ language. How did it impact the vocabulary, grammar, or storytelling style? 


Sixth Week - Unexpected Revelations

Deciphering the note pointed you to a book called The Folly of Macroeconomic Vocal Tract Theory. You both pull it off the shelf and hear a clicking noise coming from behind the bookshelf. After a few seconds, it starts moving away from you, finally sliding out of the way to reveal a dark staircase leading down.

Cilian leads you with a flashlight, and soon enough you enter a small room. To the left, you see a couple of display cases with artifacts, and behind them an area with a table and a blackboard. Directly in front of the entrance is an office desk with large bookshelves behind it. To the right you find a research area with a large book open on the table. Cilian glances at you and nods, so you approach the table to get a closer look at the book.

Both of you are quiet as you put on a pair of gloves and carefully lift the cover. It says Language Tome 5th Edition by Dr. Caraway et al. You both exhale in relief. You found the missing tome.

“Why would the Dean steal her own book?” Cillian asks puzzled. 

“I don’t know, but perhaps we can find some evidence in here.” You hand Cilian a pair of gloves and examine the room closer. On the shelves, there are a lot of publications from Dr. Carroway, books, and scientific journals related to linguistics. On the smaller board, Cilian finds newspaper clippings from the time the Dean was a transactional linguistic student herself, along with a snippet about your cohort’s arrival. 


When you reach the blackboard, you notice the elegant writing is in your LJ language.


Pick a simple sentence or phrase in your LJ language from literature, a famous quote, or even a proverb. Translate it into your native language. Does the meaning stay the same, or does something get lost in translation?

AP (Advanced)

Find a passage from a book, article, or poem in your LJ language. Translate it into your native language while keeping the tone and nuance intact. Then, try translating it back into your LJ language without looking at the original. Compare the two—how close are they? What changed?

Linguistically Inclined

Translation is more than just swapping words; it involves cultural and linguistic adaptation. Research a famous mistranslation or an example of untranslatable words in your LJ language. What makes them difficult to translate? How do translators handle these challenges? 


Sixth Week - Unexpected Revelations

Deciphering the handwriting reveals that Dr. Carroway orchestrated the whole crime to force you to investigate the mystery and learn more about your LJ language in the process. She prepared the clues you’d find along the way, and drew the suspicion of the students that helped you. 

Suddenly, you hear clapping behind your backs. The Dean is leaning against the doorway and smiling. “Congrats on solving the ‘mystery’, you two. You caught me red handed. Yes, this was all a plot to get you accustomed to our campus and student body. I would have preferred if you would have solved it sooner, but this also suffices. Now, you better head to your dorm, it’s way past your bedtime.”

“We’ll head out now, Ms. Rowena.” Cilian says calmly before you manage to get any word out, promptly dragging you towards the exit. 

You follow him, confused and slightly doubting him to have been on the Dean’s side all along. As soon as you get outside the building, you confront Cilian angrily.

“I don’t trust her It all sounds so… trite. But in order to investigate this further, we needed to get out and make her think we’re done. It’s very likely that more of the professors are involved in this, and we’ll need to gather our forces to expose them properly.”


There’s more to this than it looks. Review what you learned throughout your time at LCU and prepare to investigate this mystery further. 

Write a short message in your LJ language reflecting on your experience throughout the event. If you cannot write sentences, find some words to describe your experience instead. What was your favorite part? What is one new thing you learned?



“We won’t be needing the Language Tome anymore. Prepare for Phase 2.” A confident voice echoes in the secret room.

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